Every year at this time we sit back and
think of all the things that we have been blessed with in our lives. I am truly
thankful for all the normal things like an AWESOME HOTTIE wife, good health,
great kids and blah blah blah.. , but from a Fishermen’s perspective what
should make me thankful. I thought about this for a while and I don’t think I
came up with answer I was originally thinking of. I am thankful for days like
As I have said in past posts, when it comes
to sports I have realized that I am a fair weather fan and so with that being
said, I don’t generally pay much attention to baseball after the Rock’s get
eliminated in mid June. This year was a little different, out of the corner of
my eye I kept an eye on the Tigers through the end of the season, a fascinating
team with a Triple Crown winner, Prince Fielder and perhaps the most dominant
pitcher in all of baseball with Verlander.
The Tigers blew through the American league playoffs and all of the so called
experts said they would sweep the lowly Giants, which got lucky and squeaked
past the Reds and Cards. The Tigers were unbeatable and were going to score
fifty runs a game on the Giants. Well the series started and the Giants came to
play, game one and the “Great” Tigers were toothless, game two was the same,
three and four there were moments, but the Giants were better. A four game
sweep and the “Unbeatable Tigers” walked away with their heads hung low.
The last few weeks of fishing for myself have
felt much like the Tigers run through September and through the American
league. I have been able to catch fish pretty much at will and have even at
times felt a little bored thinking that I had it all figured out. I look at the
pics of the two browns I landed and nearly sprain my shoulder patting myself on
the back. I know ESPN isn’t covering me but I sure feel a little taller every
time someone asks me exactly where I caught them and then tell me that they
were beautiful fish. I even catch myself believing that I am as good as I
sometimes think I am. One of my favorite customers came in the shop the other
day and wanted to know what the secret was to landing the big fish (I almost teared
up a little on the inside). I smiled and told him you learn to land them by
losing a bunch of them (and a nice Winston rod helps).
Well this brings me back to Tuesday, I got to
the river at about 12:30 and found one of my favorite holes was open I jumped
in and after a five minutes of notta I noticed BWO’s beginning to hatch. I
quickly switched to a double dry and had six or seven takes in just a few
minutes but didn’t have any serious hookups. I started watching the fish a
little better and noted that they were too small for me and I wanted to find
bigger fish. The hatch was short lived and so I switched back to a nymph rig
with an A&W, an RS’2 and a small cream midge. I walked down to the next
hole and first cast I hooked and landed a gorgeous 14 inch rainbow, the only
pic of the day. The fish was like hitting a two out double in the fifth inning
with the bases empty, makes you feel good but the next batter strikes out and
on to the next hole. The next run was
like having the side struck out, nutten,nutten and more nutten. On to the next
run and first cast, Bang! a 19 or 20
inch beauty jumps straight up like a show orca with his whole side splashing as
he hits the water. He starts running down
river with me chasing him and then I feel it, something is wrong and I realize,
he put me on a rock. The next two runs were several 4 and 6 inch fish. After
getting around a few people I snuck under a tree and casted into a place
difficult to come away with you flies, and a monster take, but about the time
the heart skips a beat I feel him come off. The next hole and about a 18 or 19
incher comes flying out of the water and spits the fly before I could do
anything. It started feeling like when the players hit what everyone thinks is
a homer with the crowd going wild and the batter pumping his chest and moving
into his homerun trot, the wind changes and the ball land innocently into the outfielder’s
glove on the warning track. Well, at
this time I was a little frustrated and started working my way back to the car.
Luckily, something else I am very grateful for, my wife, showed up at about
3:00 to fish the last hour or so.
We made our way back up river with me telling
her about how poor of a day I was having and that the fish were out to get me.
We were in the water all of about thirty seconds when Cat made her fish squeak
and I saw that she landed one nicer than anything I had landed all day. A few
more casts for me and I hooked another nice one and after it came out of the
water and splashed, both Cat and I were very impressed with it’s water
displacement and the sound as it landed
back in the water. Well, He was better than me as wel(expletive,expletive)l.
Cat then landed several more and finished up by landing the fish of the day
that measured out at 16 inches. Well that was enough for me and it was time to
head out, I could not believe it that the river had totally kicked my tail
So how is it that I am so thankful for days
like Tuesday? It is a day like Tuesday
that reminds me that every fish I ever fool and land, even on the good days,
should be thought of as a complete blessing. This year has been an incredible
year for the Ark and without a runoff, wet wading was incredible all summer and
late into the fall, with hundreds and hundreds of fish landed. Yes I get to
taking this river for granted but a difficult day or two will make it all that
more exciting to get back. And yes, I do not think that the Tigers will be
grateful the way this season ended up but if they learn from it and work
harder, how much better will they feel if they win next year. And for me, I am
thankful for the longing I have to once again out fish my wife…..Hope to see
you on the river,Connell
As always, thank you
for reading our blog. I have heard a few comments about a blog I wrote last
year when we had fewer readers and so I have decided to rerun the blog, it was
a fun one on the flyfishing addiction and if you have read it and can think of
any more addiction questions, feel free to email me at connell1964@msn.com and I may add them to
the test.
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